
Employment Authorization Card Immigration Lawyer Philadelphia

Having an Employment Authorization Document is vital as it grants a person the legal right to work, regardless of pending application status or ongoing legal proceedings. Contact the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost for a free consultation at (267) 223-5862 so that we can advise you about how to obtain employment authorization while your immigration application is being processed.


Green Card Philadelphia Immigration Lawyer

Individuals who are seeking permanent resident status should always talk to an attorney regarding their situations. The assistance of a Philadelphia immigration lawyer form the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost can make the process of obtaining a Green Card as simple as possible. For a free consultation, please contact our office at (267) 223-5862.


Reasons You Might Not Be Approved For A Green Card

A Philadelphia immigration lawyer at the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost can help you determine if you qualify for a Green Card. Contact our law firm at (267) 223-5862 for a free consultation.

Voluntary Departure Immigration Lawyer Philadelphia

Determining whether or not to request voluntary departure is a strategic decision that may require the assistance of an immigration lawyer. A lawyer at the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost can advise you if you qualify for and could benefit from a Voluntary Departure Order. For a free consultation, contact us (267) 223-5862.

Free Consultation With An Immigration Lawyer

The Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost offer a Free Consultation with an experienced immigration lawyer to help you understand your options ...